Amplifier Decision - Audio Research vs Krell

Hi all,

I wanted to ask all the experts out here at Audiogon for their opinion before I make a purchase.

I have the big task of deciding to buy one of two amps:

Audio Research Classic 120 (both monoblocks of course)

or the

Krell KSA-250

I am torn between the two! Both are the same price and both are working perfect.

I have a Paragon 12 pre-amp. My speakers are Acoustic Research AR-7, but will probably change in the future.

I'd appreciate opinions and suggestions.

The Krell is overkill as far as those speakers go (don't they measure around 91db. or so?)... so unless you are going to another set of speakers that need that kind of power...I would scratch the Krell.

BTW...I own a Ksa-250 and do like it.

I think it depends on how serious you are about chnanging speakers. If you are really considering it, I'd look at those first, and then decide on the amplifier.
I agree with S7horton; your speaker selection will play a big part in the amp you want. If you get Apogees or Theil CS5s you'll want the Krell, but otherwise you may prefer the tubes for a more efficient speaker.
Speakers are more important than the amp.
A so-so amp can sound very good on excellent speakers, whereas so-so speakers will sound so-so on a excellent amp.
I owned a Krell KSA 250. I thought it was wonderful. Very real - and believe it or not - nicely warm. It will also handle any speaker you throw at it, in the future.

Best of luck.