Amplifier Enclosure Resonance

If I tap the top/side cover on my Audio Research Reference 75 SE amp, it has quite a tinny ring to it. I'm thinking that can't be best for the sound. Does anyone know of a product that I could place on top to control that resonance? It would have to be three inches or under, wide, and somewhat heat resistant.
I will listen to the amp cover on vs. cover off. It should be an interesting experiment. Maybe I'm fretting over nothing. But long-term operation with the cover off won't work in my home. Cats and smaller children.

The amp has two rows of ventilation holes with a center strip, which is solid, that is 5" wide. I could likely accommodate something 4" wide. I thought it imprudent to have something cover some of the holes, especially if something were to melt and drip inside.
Hi imgoodwithtools:
 I did not notice any difference in sound between top off or top damped with the Walker discs but, in all honesty, I did not conduct a careful before and after analysis. My gut tells me it might be slightly better with the top off, although with the top damped by discs there were no longer any top vibrations that I could feel. My feeling is that if you have no pets or children to worry about and the significant other does not mind---off is the way to go for reasons of both vibration and ventilation. If all 3 conditions are not present, the top with discs is the way to go.
I have had great results with Shakti stones. Not too heavy and as well as damping they deal with issues from transformers. The size suits your needs.

Btw have you also tried Herbies tube dampers? Check this thread for what to expect