Amplifier for home stereo dedicated to lossless quality music

I need to decide on a preamp/amp or receiver to use in my home sound system. I’ll be streaming FLAC 24/96kHz albums to an amplifier that feeds indoor and outdoor Monitor Audio speakers (which I’m very find of due to their accuracy). I want to do the source files justice but I have no intention of dropping a grand just on amplification. The speakers in the system both front and back are 100W max at 8 ohms. Any suggestions on what I might look for in the speaker amplification would be appreciated!
per kalali, i'd see if the internal dac in the yamaha is better than the one in your chromecast  (you can get an optical to mini converter for around two bucks)--i'd suspect the yamaha's is better but am just speculating.
The Chromecast Audio is 24Bit/96kHz whereas the Yamaha DAC is 24Bit/192kHz. There is also some setting apparently with the Chromecast for high resolution audio.
The Yamaha DAC is likely superior to the Chromecast. It can receive files up to 24/192.