Amplifier for Magnepan 20.1s

I currently have Magnepan 20.1 speakers driven by Pass Labs X250.5 amp with Audio Research Ref 3 Preamp and Ref 8 CD player. Pass Xono phonostage, VPI ref superscoutmaster/Dynavector xv1s cart. My room is 16'W X 26'L X 10'H. I have a dedicated 30amp circuit breaker for this room only. I am considering changing my amplifier. Should I upgrade to the Pass Labs X350.5, X600.5, or should I go with the Audio Research Ref 210s (since I love the sound that was created since adding my other Audio Research products but the Ref 610Ts are out of my range and also would probably draw too much power for my circuit to handle). My only concern: is there enough power to produce a dynamic sound that wont go mushy in the bass? What should I do?

Showing 1 response by cwlondon

Bryston monoblocks and Parasound are often recommended for Magnepans.

Other than biamping as Teajay mentions above, it seems the consensus is that more power yields a bigger benefit than incremental increases in quality.

I have always wondered about Pass Labs for my Tympanis, but for some reason, no one seems to ever shout Pass from the rooftops when recommending amps for these speakers.

So you might very well improve upon your current set up and good luck.