Amplifier, less than 10 Watts, for PHY speakers

I need an advice about a little tube amplifier, to drive phy based speakers. Thank you
TSAKIRIDIS Devices AEOLOS. I compared it to a Sugden integrated around 6000$. Winner : AEOLOS.
I use the Decware Zen Torii with the Musical Affairs Grand Crescendos. I'm convinced there is no better amp for these drivers.
I use an S30 Atmasphere OTL with my Ocellia PHY speakers and it beat out my $50,000 Kondo 2A3 Souga amp...nothing but pure delight.

(Dealer disclaimer)
Even after 2.5 years, I continue to be thrilled every time I listen to my Auditorium-23 Solovox Hommage speakers driven by my Wavelength Cardinal X1 mono blocks.