Amplifier Recommendation for B&W Nautilis 804

I currently have N804's driven by Musical Fidelity a3CR amp and preamp. While I like the sound, I am finding the combo a bit lacking in weight, particularly in the bottom end. I'd like to see a little more punch in the music without losing detail that the a3 is known for. The A3cr is 125 watts into 8 ohms, and the 804's are rated from 50-200 watts into 8 ohms. I would spend up to 3000 for a noticable improvement.

Does anyone have a similar setup and/or any suggestions? Thanks.
I had the 803s but upgraded recently to the 802s. I am powering the B&W with the Marsh A400 (200 w/ch). I would give the Marsh a listen, as well as the Bryston 4BSST and the MF a308cr.

I agree with others that bass on your N804's will always be limited. :( Still, a bigger amp or biamping can't hurt.

I drive N803's with an (ancient) SAE s/s amp. 200wpc into 8 ohms rising to 300wpc into 4. The old thing has ample dynamics and virtually never clips. Whatever you pick, make sure its output increases significantly into more resistive loads. All the Nautilus are only nominally 8 ohm speakers. They can drop as low as 3, which puts a huge demand on the amplifier's current delivery.
Jeff --

Amps do make a difference. I recently added Krell
FPB 350 MCX monos to the front left and right and
I was able to turn my subwoofer completely off. The
Krells really filled out the bass, made it nice and
tight, deep and detailed. Then again, my speakers
had the capability for that kind of bass -- it just
took the Krells to maximize them.

I can highly recommend the Plinius -- I heard the
combo of Plinius SA-250 and N804. That Plinius was
getting everything out of those 804's and thensome.

Are plinius amps widely available in the US, so that I can have a listen?

Also, has anyone tried the N804 with the bryston 4bsst?
Jeff -- go to Plinius' web-site -- they should have a
dealer locator or a US distributor who you can contact
to find your nearest dealer.