Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
Son of Ampzilla 2000.

At 100 wpc (200 @ 4 ohms, 400 wpc @ 2 ohms),beats out any other (under $5000) power amp, SS, tube, or hybrid I have heard in over 40 years!
I owned an origional Son of Ampzilla power amp in the late 70's. I also had a GAS Thalia preamp, and a GAS Sleeping Beauty moving coil cartridge. That system made such beautiful music. I can only guess that James Bongiorno has built an even better Son now.

As I haven't heard this new amp yet, I stand by my post that my Odyssey Stratos Extreme-Extreme is the BEST solid state to ever grace my living room. 165wpc into 8 ohms, 330wpc into 4 ohms, 60 amps peak to peak and sounds like a great tube amp with much better bass and control.

Enjoy your amp, I am sure it is wonderful!

Technics se-a3000,su-c3000 combo .Many people criticizing for being harsh,but i found perfect match with Harbeth SHL5.Pure true realistic harmonic with amazing 3D soundstage,very good separation of instruments:drum plate is drum plate,drum is drum,guitar sounds like guitar,piano like piano,bass guitar like bass guitar,amazing vocals.And all that creates very musical experience.
Ayre AX-7e. Unless I win the lottery (hello Ayre MXR/KXR), this is likely my last amp
Hey guys, this is more to ask advice than to give it. Now i have a100w Yam h/t w/ Klipsch speeks. I know not to impressive but for me it was a real upgrade. Thinking now I want back into old school I was given apair otf Infinity
sm112s, Iknow they lack the bottom but for free I'll take um.Now the amp I'm leaning towards an adcom gf555 200w/c. Money is the over riding factor, Macs, Krells and others are just fantasy. ANY help in make and model would be appreciated. Thanks,your not so audiophile new freind LEW