Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
Technics se-a3000,su-c3000 combo .Many people criticizing for being harsh,but i found perfect match with Harbeth SHL5.Pure true realistic harmonic with amazing 3D soundstage,very good separation of instruments:drum plate is drum plate,drum is drum,guitar sounds like guitar,piano like piano,bass guitar like bass guitar,amazing vocals.And all that creates very musical experience.
Ayre AX-7e. Unless I win the lottery (hello Ayre MXR/KXR), this is likely my last amp
Hey guys, this is more to ask advice than to give it. Now i have a100w Yam h/t w/ Klipsch speeks. I know not to impressive but for me it was a real upgrade. Thinking now I want back into old school I was given apair otf Infinity
sm112s, Iknow they lack the bottom but for free I'll take um.Now the amp I'm leaning towards an adcom gf555 200w/c. Money is the over riding factor, Macs, Krells and others are just fantasy. ANY help in make and model would be appreciated. Thanks,your not so audiophile new freind LEW
Strongly suggest you check out the Sanders Sound Systems Magtech amplifier. IMHO if you hear it, you might just have purchased your last power amp.

Check out teh various IcePower or other Class D amps like Wyred and their ilk on this site. You can get all the bang you need in an amp at a very attractive price without having to deal with the hassle and expense of large energy sucking monster amps!