Amps for ESL

I'm looking for suggested amps for Quad 988's, but I am chasing something different for these speakers, not the usual stuff. I'm looking into Bryston or Classe pre and power. Anyone with any experience or advice?


Try a McIntosh MC402 amp you will have no issues. They use auto transformers and function like a tube amp. Quad 62 will sing.
do yourself a favor: try a QUAD amp (909,606,306,303 but not the 99!) it will sound better then most other amps costing 10x more. However, you should avoid Quad preamps!
For more then 30 years i've owned 57,63,988,2805 with CJ,Electrocompaniet,Bedini,Counterpoint,Bryston, Naim,Pass Labs...,but always returned to the Quad amps !
i own the quad esls, i owned the 63s, i have auditioned the 988s and 989s.

i find that solid state amps rob the electrostatics i have mentioned of warmth and body.

i have auditioned the 63s using some ss amps, and prefer tubes.

if you are intent on purchasing a solid state amp. you might consider other amps, e.g., class a, or "darker" sounding ,older amps.