

Responses from phillyb

Best speaker brands for transient response
Open baffle speakers give you what a panel speaker can or electrostatic speakers but with full dynamics and bottom-end impact. Transparent to the source and quality of the music. You have the best of both worlds.   
Can a power amp have too much power, risking damage to a speaker?
Remember this: "No amount of power will damage speakers if you use your ears and common sense to know when the recording comes into its own at a particular power level. I used a 400-watt power amp with my Electrostatic Quad speakers with absolutel... 
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw?
The negative stuff about Clayton is off base and not fair the man has been doing this a long time and is an open baffle guru in experience and design. I own his speakers and they are superb and sound like my old Quad ESL 63 which was rebuilt by El... 
Adona Equipment Racks
Great racks and fair priced and high quality. I had mine for 10 years now the top of the line along with the matching amp stand. Granite is top quality and the under side wood is beautiful! This past week I flipped the shelves to the wood side up ... 
Esoteric K03XD
The key to any gear is the power supply and the Esoteric players I've owned all have huge power supplies and the built quality is 2nd to none. I have no issues with CDs if mastered with care and I'm a vinyl man. I know for years the magazines have... 
vibration control - cd player
No matter what you put your gear on rack-wise or any footers you will hear a change in the reproduction like cables you have to try them and see if what you hear is what you like. I've used many racks over the years and footers, the footers all go... 
New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan
Hope Clayton does well. Those who say OB speakers have no bass have not heard Clayton Spaital Audio speakers or his current one and I am sure there are more upscale ones to come. I've owned box speakers and Electrostatic speakers, open baffle is l... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Try PURE Copper wall plates and they are cheap and work.  Monarch Abode 17018 Single Switch Hand Hammered Duplex Decorative Wall Plate Switch Plate Outlet Cover, 1-Gang, Pure Copper. $22.95 on Amazon beats the audiophile crap at $200.00.   
Thoughts and perceptions on the sound quality of Accuphase Digital Products
Keep in mind sounding more laid back than Esoteric means it might be more real and natural sounding, Esoteric sound is direct in your face. Not a bad thing if you like that type of reproduction which means like all audio it is a personal taste lik... 
New TV With an Unknown Audio Out Jack?
It is toslink out to your ZVOX in. LG all have that option so to send to an outboard device.   
AudioQuest DBS Field
If you know your system and its sound you can easily hear when you disconnect the battery packs. They work and you can easily hear it.   
Paypal Friends and Family
No, I sent cash from the balance that I had accumulated.  
Have we lost civility and respect on Audio forums?
This is the internet, the age of Trump, and outrage and disrespect for others seem to go hand in hand any any post you might write. Audio asylum has been this way for years which is why I never look at it or Facebook or any other. I guess many we... 
Are Shakti Stones effective?
Update: After a month of use. I purchased one used for a good price, so I did not give a crap if it worked in a positive way or not. Well, I put it on my amp where my 2 power transformers are. Played a disc that sounded great before and played it... 
New speaker cables recommendations sought
I’ve used many cables up to 5K and what I can say from experience is how any of them would sound in your system is a crap shot, because any given type of power supply will react differently to any power cord or speaker cable as well as internets a...