Amps on the cheap....real cheap

I have a pair of power hungry A-1 soundlabs. My original intent was to pick up a set of JC-1's or Atma MA-1 to drive them. That is still my intent but it won't happen for a year or so. In the mean time, I would like to find something to power them with. I have an old Adcom GFA 555 which I could utilize. This amp is bridgable to 600W mono. My thought was to pick up a second one, run them mono (current used price around $300.00) and live with it until I spend the money on better power.

Before I rush out and buy another used Adcom I thought I might get your thoughts on the best budget amps out there, either mono or single chassis, that would have the juice to get the A-1 moving.

I know this is a tall order on the cheap but I am sure there are a few great budget amps out there on the cheap that would hold me over.

I would like to stay under 6 or $700.00 for the amps.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by grannyring

Buy two Applied Audio Research SLA 2 amps. They cost $250 new each. One would also be enough.

These are studio amps and sound 85% as good as the best solid state amps one can buy. I know as I have owned SS amps like the JC1's, Belles Reference and others.

I know its hard to believe and most don't. See my feedback as I am no hack. Feel free to contact me for more info.

These litle amps are just so good.
