Amps or Speakers which one to upgrade next

I have a Rogue Audio Cronus Mag integrated driving Vandersteen 2ce sig II
Very happy with the setup but looking to do better  My budget is around $7000
preferably new but used might be Okay
Let me know what your thoughts are
Hi Tomstruck,

I would agree with those who are advising you to invest in cabling.Your $7k investmentment will go alot further by purchasing  a top rated power cable. It will provide you with the some of the bass and clarity that you are looking for.

Also consider switching out your speaker and interconnect cables. Another consideration is to roll out your driver tubes (12AU&X7) for some NOS. Rogue is really friendly to Tweaks and responds well to power.

Making these changes will maximize the performance of your existing system. Check these sites out for ideas. An investment into any one of these kinds of cables would shurley be your last. 

Finally, after these upgrades if you still require more bass,  you could  add a subwoofer, as the cronus allows for it. I would not go beyond a 12 inch driver. I think REL. Older B1 would work really well with the Vandersteens.  

In my humble opinion - Best bang for buck scenario, Good Luck

Thales - use for speaker cables and  interconnects

Stage 3 Concepts - Best for power chords

HB cable design, Best for power Distributer if needed.


I agree with Nycjlee and restate my comment to go back to John Rutan and get his take on this.
You've gotten lots of good responses, but I think that having Johnny will provide you with the best information for your situation.
I need to go and listen to his systems again.
Thanks 2channel8 ordered iostek set-up disc 
Like I said in a previous post I talk to John all the time
I will be at Johns on 12/16 for the Vandersteen open house

The very basic principle of electronics is that a good design should be independent of individual device parameters. To put it in the language that everyone here will understand -- if tube rolling changes the sound of your gear, then your gear is garbage.   
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