
Responses from gdnrbob

Got Innuous, now a DAC
I don't know of any Ayre Dx9, perhaps you are referring to the QB9? In any case, it has been upgraded to Twenty status and is one of my favorites. You can buy a used QB9 for around $1K and get it upgraded by Ayre to Twenty status, if you want. Ev... 
Replace tubes yearly?
Sometimes, I think Paul goes beyond what he 'knows'. He made his name in SS, not tubes. So, if anyone should have an opinion on tubes, it would be Ralph Karsten at Atmasphere. Bob  
Surge protectors--how many $ make sense?
@audio-b-dog , I would second (third) the recommendation of a whole house surge protector. A licensed electrician can install one at a relatively low cost. And, given that you have a very nice (and expensive system), it makes sense to protect tha... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
@ozzy62  +1. Bob  
Audioquest vs. Blue Circle Power Conditioner Quality
I have no experience with Blue Circle, but I do own the Niagra 1200 (Actually two). It is the entry model of the AQ power conditioning line. It was introduced when Garth Powell came to AQ and I have to say he really made some great contributions ... 
If you HAD to purchase a used (over 4 years old) DAC, what would it be?
Anything Ayre would be my choice. B  
A question about trim rings around speaker drivers
@kr4  +1 Bob  
Help With Streamer - Aurender, Auralic, HIFI Rose, Eversolo A10, etc.
I will give a +2 for Innuos.  I first owned the Bluesound, then Aurender, but settled on Innuos. I liked the Aurender, but it was limited in streaming choices (which has changed since my usage). I liked the sound quality, a definite improvement ... 
Which company manufactures this Ethernet switch for the other?
@hgeifman , That is one good comparison. Thanks Bob  
Need input on new speakers
@gordo1962, You have one of the few Time and Phase aligned speakers made in the world. It is also one of the smallest speakers in the Vandy line. So, you shouldn't expect it to 'Rock'. If anything, adding a subwoofer would probably be the best th... 
Streamer Recommendations
I have tried Bluesound, Aurrender, and Innuos. I ended with Innuos due to it being able to use Roon. I felt the Aurrender is a bit limited with what streaming apps you can use. Though, sound wise, I think the Aurrender and Innuos are pretty clos... 
Meitner MA3
Meitner gets lots of praise among digital audiophiles. You can check prices on hifi shark, as I have no idea what they go for now used. Bob  
Anyone else having trouble with Roon?
I have had no issues with Roon, but I have had my subscription for a few years. I would look into your network and see if it is through-putting at the speeds you are paying for. Bob  
New York City Audio/Hifi Bars and Cafes
AudioConnection in Verona, NJ. would be my pick. Though it might not be easily accessible from Manhattan, it is definitely worth the trip. John Rutan is a stand up guy who knows what sounds good and won't try to sell you something. He also has so... 
Solid State Preamp to replace tube unit
The Ayre KXR is probably one of the best out there. I own the non-Twenty version and find it still performs above what can be bought today. And, if you really want tubes equipment that isn’t fussy, then the Atmasphere MP-1 or 3 would be my recomm...