Amps that don’t impersonate space heaters.

There have been some epically hot periods in metropolitan Chicago this summer. I have had a long running affair with a pair of Avantgarde Uno s2’s and don’t really require a great deal of power. I have two dissimilar but equally compelling amps (a Pass 30.5 and a BAT vk-56) both prodigeous producers of heat creating a sauna like environment in my library/listening room the HVAC system not withstanding. What, if anything, have you boys and girls found that might replicate the qualities of my beloved amps minus the potential for 3rd degree burns and heat prostration?
Cheers and good fortune to you all. 


One recurring theme I encountered in researching this phenomenon is that bass roll-off is a common trait among amps employing zero global feedback.

@helomech I've seen zero feedback amps that go full power to 1Hz and don't seem to lack any bass at all. IOW its not a common trait.


I tried a variety of preamps. The Benchmark LA4, Topping A90D, Mac C49, and the preamp section of the Yamaha integrated. 

Go Class D, Atma, Hypex, Purifi, ADG. I don't think you would be sorry.

The Buckeye 1ET9040BA is barely warm to the touch and has the accuracy, insight and musicality I had hoped for. Very low SNR so not to intrude on your high sensitivity speakers.

Otherwise maybe a First Watt?

You're lowest heat, yet still awesome option is a nice simple SET.  You don't need muc power but any class A SS amp will have more watts than you need and all the heat associated with them.  

Your BAT uses the 6C33C tube that is one of the hottest ones out there.  It runs about twice the temperature and radiated heat goes as Texp4 so the increased tempeatrure adds a lot of radiated heat.  Also the BAT makes much more power than you need.  A imple 300B or 2A3 amp will be less heat than a TV screen, perhaps 100 watts (heat, not sound). Your BAT is likely 3-400 watts.  

An even lower power option is the Decware SE84series which is about 50 watts and plenty of power to drive those speakers.
