Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
Enter Phasecorrect with more of the same drivel. What IS wrong with some of you?!! Is it that you've all been kicked around some?!? Did Amy Winehouse suffer from an oft times fatal and progressive Disease?...Disease being the operative word folks. Yes she did. And did she display behavior that was at times embarrassing and offensive? Yes she did. More often than not what we saw was the fallout of the disease. Did she bring her tragic fate upon herself? I guess one could say that she did. Does that make her any less of a human being who carried many of the contradictions that most of us as fellow human beings carry ? No. Things are not black and white, and cut and dry as many of you would believe. She certainly doesn't deserve to be trashed as many of you have done. I'd like to remind the religious among us that Jesus would not approve.
Well what started out as RIP tribute to a fallen human being has encompassed it all, religion, politics, name calling and sadly enough, by some a lack of demonstrable understanding of the meaning of the words civility, respect and compassion. A reflection of the building tension and division in our society maybe? When we stop caring for each other as individuals and collectively, and feel free to say whatever pops into our heads with thoughless abandon all the while smug in our convictions that whatever we want to say is ok without consideration for others, we all lose. We'll all get what's coming to us for sure, not just Amy. I am really surprised at the hard boiled callousness demonstrated, particularly on a thread such as this where we should be coming together, the irony.
You guys once again confuse the helpless with the clueless. It would be different if she was a quiet addict like Kurt Cobain or Layne Staley, or the likes of Keith Moon who were sadly reckless. Here is where she runs a far different track from those, she celebrated it and pretty much made her fortune for being a junkie. Thats nothing to celebrate or give sympathy for so spare me of your little pointing finger of shame, point it where it belongs, at her or in your mouth to shut you up. It does not has not and will never bother me that you dont like my opinion but you will hear/read it as this is what these forums are all about.
Hugs not drugs ;) well a little weed never hurt! Cheers

I believe the anonymity of the web has greatly heightened the lack of civility.

I see it on every forum I'm on, be it music, technology or politics. And it's not just one side spewing the vitriol. The liberals and conservatives throw equal amounts of rhetoric without thought.

People have access to greater enlightenment than any generation to date, but enlightenment is becoming more rare.

Oh well- listen to some great music!