Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
and that's what it is Tubegroover...a sign of our times. i wouldn't single out tension and division, as that's always been present. it's the lack/deterioration of civility that is the sign of our times. a judgmental arrogance that seems to be worsening by the day. seems being "online" makes it even worse. it's easy to say something online that you'd never have the balls to say in person. ask yourself this...if a-gon was a a physical place that we all got together at...would this be happening?. sure, a few would express their negative comments but i doubt it would have digressed to this level?. lots of brave people online =)

personally, i never liked her music much. her lifestyle turned me off as well. she was a sick person who couldn't get well. i posted a reply in the other RIP thread before this one took a nosedive. i called it "a slow moving train wreck" *with* an RIP, out of common decency and respect. you don't have to like someone to do that. it's called being part of the human race. many in "our times" don't want to be a part of the human race anymore. it's about "me" and those who agree with "me". being about "me" isn't all bad imho. it's the "against them" part i object to.

i can easily tolerate alot of this stuff. what pushed me over the edge was someone dragging religion into the mix. although i have a deep belief in "god", me a "religion" have problems ;-)

free speech is awesome. you CAN say whatever you want and express your opinion. however there are times i question should you? and why would you?. and if you have to...why can't you do it respectfully.

No one argues with your right to have an opinion about Winehouse's talent, even if it goes against most reviews, and comments from performers and other professionals in the music business. And you have every right to have a negative opinion about her lifestyle, and to prefer "quiet addicts". What puzzles me is the need to express such negative views in such a vitriolic manner on a thread titled "Amy Winehouse RIP".
What better time to talk about her death then when it actually happened? I never to my knowledge said she shouldnt rest in peace,I simply said she was a arrogant junkie of mid level talent when she was alive. You think I wouldnt debate this in public? Think again.
To suggest many wouldnt say alot of things in public suggests what? Does that mean verbal debate wouldnt be tolerated? Does it hint some would get physical about not being agreed with? If thats the case (and I have known some of these types) then these people are far more ignorant than any valid opinion backed with reason in debate because when these folks lose a arguement they shut down their brains and try to muscle their point, thats true weakness.
I listed why her and others deserve IMO no sympathy while others in similar boat do deserve some pause but some of you cant come to grips with that. Some evoke God and FOX news aswell showing a clear loss of touch with reality. Cheers
Why would anybody require "empathy" for self destructive drug use, unless they were doing the same, much less guilt trip somebody for not "empathizing" with same?

Compassion for suffering does not mean in any way that one should approve of the dysfunctional choices of the sufferer or romanticize them or even excuse them.

Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse. I guess two out of three aint' bad.

As somebody said on another board, celebrities are "tortured" and have "demons." Everybody else are just crackheads, drunks and junkies.

I prefer to remember the pretty, plump teenager with the promising voice, not what she became.