An audio rack that really does make a difference.

Looking on spending up to $3000. on a rack for my system. I’m currently using a older Billy bags tri-point with cracked glass shelves. Would like to get a four post stand so it becomes more stable than the three post Billy Bags. Looking for something that will take it to the next level without taking my pocket book along with it. I’ve looked at Solid Tech and Adonis. 
Thanks Mike
Look at Symposium Foundation rack will be the best sounding rack for your money.
Hi hiendmmoe

I realize you want to get a new rack and there are some nice looking ones out there that are within your budget but most of them are designed mainly for looks, in the “affordable” price points and based on my previous experience they will rarely make a significant improvement is sound quality. 

One audiogoner recommended getting a set of the Critical Mass CS2 footers. I tried a set of those under my preamp and I was shocked at the improvement. The problem with going that route is they are stupid expensive and you’re only improving one component. Make no mistake, I was so impressed with the level of improvement that I wound up buying two more sets of them for my dac and transport (remember those). 

My suggestion would be to find a Wilson Audio dealer near you (if possible) and take home a set of their new isolation feet (I think they are called pedestals) and put them under your source or your preamp. I have yet to try them myself but my local dealer sells both the Critical Mass feet and the Wilson feet. One of his customers took home a set of the new Wilson feet to try and one week later traded in ALL of his Critical Mass footers (he had them under every component) and bought four sets of the Wilson footers claiming that they were noticeably better than the Critical Mass footers. Personally, I was so blown away with the Critical Mass feet that I find that claim hard to believe but if it’s true you better believe I’m going to try a set. The funniest thing about the Wilson feet is, they are less expensive than the Critical Mass feet. I think a set of the Wilson feet sell for $2250 for a set of three. All I can say is, I could not believe the improvement I heard from the Critical Mass feet. If the Wilson Pedestals turn out to be as good as that customer said they are, then that would e the way to go. Definitely worth a listen. 

My suggestion is geared towards the audiophile who is looking for the best possible sound quality and not someone who is just looking for a piece of furniture. 

Good luck
Yesterday I got my long awaited SRA VR platform for my Woodsong Garrard 301.
OMG! Can’t believe the improvements. This is the single most significant change in my system, period.
I am using an old so so Polycrystal rack with the SRA VR on the top shelf under the TT.
Even bad records have become interesting. The phrasing of the music has become precise and beautiful. Every quality you could ascribe is taken to an unheard level.
Keep your current rack and get Silent Running Audio VR platforms at $1500 each.
SRA makes stuff for NASA, the Navy, medicine, science, etc. Subs and electron microscopes.
These are a bargain for what you get.
Don’t waste your time and money on less!
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