An honest opinion about upgrading?

I'd like to get better definition and clarity out of my music which is mostly jazz, chill, new age, vocals and some classical. Do i need new speakers, would mono blocks with more power give me a better sound, how about a great integrated amp.
My speakers are the Paradigm S-8's, the power amp is the Rouge Audio 90, the pre amp is the Rouge Audio Magnum 99. I have the Ayon CD-1, Music Hall 9.1 with Black cartridge. My cables are all in the 200-400 price range. What should i do?... i'd like to hear a better sound for a reasonable amount of money. I think about the Ayon Triton integrated amp or maybe the Rouge Audio mono blocks (150 WPC vs the 90 i have now).

With what i have what would your next move be.
Have you maxed out set up and room acoustics control. If not that would take you a long way towards your goal. FWIW I doubt that moving to tube mono blocks will do it for you, but a good ss amp might help if you don't mind the differences between ss and tubes. FWIW.
That's a $64k question Bob. Always look for the low hanging fruit before making system component changes. But here are some suggestions:

IC/Cables - For more details upgrade your cables. For example, look into purchasing upper mid level IC (hopefully balanced XRLs) cables in the $800 - $1500 range. And you can upgrade power cables for 90 and source. Nice change with great value.

Tubes and Fuses - Look at upgrading tubes and fuses to enhance the clarity and body. More powerful KT88/6550 ($200 to $300) and 12 types and 6SN7.While not a big expense upgraded fuses also have a small impact on the sound...mainly clarity.

M-150 Monoblocks - Switch to monos to improve full height, width, and depth, and overall musicality. More significant change to system with the added cost. You could also upgrade the tubes for monos as well.

Loudspeakers - Maybe you want something totally different like oversized bookshelf AudioNote HE/SE or Quad. That way you keep your 90 and focus on upgrading speakers, ICs, and tubes for pre and power.
I think set up and cables would be the route I would make sure are up to snuff.

You do not say what cables you are using but I have always thought wire was one of the cheapest ways to improve performance - in particular a Gabriel Gold Revelation MKI interconnect for about $300+ would give you a lot of detail (it trounced some pricey wire in my all tube system) and a good standard speaker wire is Alpha Core Goertz Veracity MI2 - very clean and clear with terrific tone.

The Rogue gear is pretty detailed and clear, not up with the best out there but pretty darn good so look elsewhere IMO.

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Don't, until you have done a complete room analysis. You need to understand what the 'room' is hearing. Room treatments are the best way to upgrade before considering spending more. Get the 'room' curve as flat as possible with the speakers you have. Then, dumping the tubes should be first on the agenda. Get a dealer to loan you one of two units.