@sfall, not a bad combo.
Jammer, I am the resident Vandy fanboy, so my opinion is a bit biased towards them. In any case, I would look for a time correct speaker like the Vandy's. You'll get the most coherent soundstage, as well as lack of fatigue, in my opinion.
So, my 2 cents, for $8K used....
-A pair of Vandy 2 sigs($1.5K), [3a sigs ($2K) or Treos, even better)
If you go with the 1's and 2's you definitely need 2w subs ($900/pair). The 3a sigs work with them, but their size allows them to go down pretty low by themselves.
-An Ayre V5xe integrated ($3K). You have enough power for 3a sigs and Treo's if you do this. Otherwise you could use your Bryston and get a decent preamp like an upgraded McCormack RLD, but you wouldn't be saving much. Besides, Ayre is a great combo with Vandersteen, to which some attribute to the zero feedback circuitry.
-An Ayre Codex DAC ($1.4K)- A real sleeper.
Excluding the Treo's, you will have spent about $7,500(going with the 3a sigs) and have some money for Audioquest cables (Rocket 88's and up).
Everything on the list will hold its' value for a while, and you will have a killer system. Now, if you want to go to tubes...
Jammer, I am the resident Vandy fanboy, so my opinion is a bit biased towards them. In any case, I would look for a time correct speaker like the Vandy's. You'll get the most coherent soundstage, as well as lack of fatigue, in my opinion.
So, my 2 cents, for $8K used....
-A pair of Vandy 2 sigs($1.5K), [3a sigs ($2K) or Treos, even better)
If you go with the 1's and 2's you definitely need 2w subs ($900/pair). The 3a sigs work with them, but their size allows them to go down pretty low by themselves.
-An Ayre V5xe integrated ($3K). You have enough power for 3a sigs and Treo's if you do this. Otherwise you could use your Bryston and get a decent preamp like an upgraded McCormack RLD, but you wouldn't be saving much. Besides, Ayre is a great combo with Vandersteen, to which some attribute to the zero feedback circuitry.
-An Ayre Codex DAC ($1.4K)- A real sleeper.
Excluding the Treo's, you will have spent about $7,500(going with the 3a sigs) and have some money for Audioquest cables (Rocket 88's and up).
Everything on the list will hold its' value for a while, and you will have a killer system. Now, if you want to go to tubes...