Analogue Synergy....Which is the best Cartridge?

I'm getting back slowly into vinyl with the hopes of upgrading my Linn Axis/Basic Plus tonearm in the next couple years. I recently acquired the PS Audio GCPH phono preamp for my system because I thought it offered the most flexibility in terms of upgrading into a wide variety of cartridges. I'm currently using the Linn K9 cartridge.

I want to upgrade my cartridge next and am looking at the following:
Sumiko Blackbird
Shelter 501
Benz Micro Glider
Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood
Dynavector Karat

I've not personally heard any of these cartridges (only read the reviews) but I'm leaning towards the Shelter 501 primarily because it seems to offer the most bang for your buck.

Given my current Linn Basic Plus arm, which cartridge would allow me the best match for my current system. My upgrade path will likely include the VPI Scout with Signature 9 arm in the future.

Can any audiophiles out there with knowledge about cartridge output, tonearm mass, and phono preamps suggest a good match for me? My associated electronics include Aesthetix Calypso, YBA Alpha 2 amplifier, and mentioned earlier, the PS Audio GCPH phono preamp.

Another question, some cartridges have lo, medium and high outputs to match with a wide variety of phono stages. Are the lower output cartridges supposed to sound better?

I would appreciate your input!
Thank you!

You've made some good decisions and are asking good questions.

First, my compliments on the thinking that lead you to the PS Audio phono stage. I haven't heard the GCPH, but having the foresight to acquire gain and loading flexibility to accommodate a wide array of cartridges was very wise.

Second, your Basik Plus is a low mass tonearm. It was intended for cartridges like the K9 and the Shure V15 types, most of which are MM's. MM cartridges tend to be light and highly compliant, and such cartridges prefer a low mass arms. If you're going to move up to an MC, it should also be light and of medium to high compliance. This eliminates the Denon 103 or any Shelter, for instance. I'll let you research the characteristics of the other carts on your list. Teach a man to fish... :-)

However, as one would expect in an arm intended for MM cartrides, your Basik Plus is a fairly entry level arm - as is the table it's mounted on. (That's why you're planning on moving up to a Scout.) IME it would be a step in the wrong direction to invest in an expensive cartridge for this rig. Some system upgrades can be done in any order, but this is not one of them. Putting a highly resolving cartridge (like a ZYX for example) on a less capable arm and/or table is usually a serious error. The cartridge reveals problems with the arm or table instead of revealing subtleties in the music.

Unless your current cartridge is worn out or damaged, my advice is to upgrade your table and arm first. You'll probably be surprised at how much better that cartridge sounds on a better rig like the Scout. In addition, you then need only concern yourself with choosing a cartridge to match one rig, the new one, rather than choosing a cartridge that will work on two.


P.S. I thoroughly agree with the ZYX recommendations above, but not now. They are excellent cartridges. They are available both above AND below your price point. But buying one now would would put the cart before the horse.

P.P.S. Assuming your phono stage has enough clean gain, the low output version of an MC will *usually* sound better than a higher output version of the same cartrdige. Higher outputs within a model line are *usually* achieved by increasing the number of coils. Since those coils are all attached to the cantilever, the moving mass and inertia of the cantilever is increased. This necessarily makes it slower to respond to rapid groove transients. Lower output models have better dynamics and retrieve lower levels of detail - as a rule.
The round and eliptical diamond tips on them Denons are a cost cutting measure to sell at particular price points. The customer records' life span is shortened because of this (and in no short measure with a round). I mean, you even have an 'audio boutique' owner recommending such a stylus in this very thread!

When I was in high school my Shure V15 III cartridge had a hyper-elliptical tip. As I got more informed I went on to better ( both sonically and vinyl wear retardant) stylus profiles, like Shibata, Stereohedron and Fritz Geiger. You just got to be more exact at installing it. I recently found a box with my beloved Audio Technica AT-15S and it's going to get a NOS Super Shibata tip. My modded Stanton Groovemaster's next tip will be a Super Stereohedron (similar to the SS ). My only moving coil is an Ortofon X5 and it has a Fritz Geiger tip, which mimics the shape of a mastering cutterhead. Almost thirty years after my first Technics turntable those very first records still sound clean & crisp.

Your tonearm's mass tends toward the low side--don't know the effective weight but the Shure's will definitely work, so will the Audio Technica. I don't know if the Stanton 681EEE will work, being a medium compliance cartridge. This would be my first entry level choice to get the TT working and start *playing* records. I suggest you talk to Kevin of KAB electroacoustics. He's a very knowledgable, honest dealer who will not mislead you into buying something like the Denons. Although he sells low output movig coils he'll also tell you not to throw away your moving magnet cartridges. There's a reason for that...

Almost thirty years later I have another Technics TT, but this one's on steroids--a KAB modded Technics 1200 that will give any $5K TT a run for its money. I did mention--records are meant to be *played*.

Don't be conned into believing you need to change your TT in a hurry. I know of this guy who was a repair tech at a Linn dealer while studying electrical engineering. He still has his Linn Basik ( with some 'modifications' ) and a modified Sony receiver plus some B&W mini monitors in an acoustically engineered room. Word is the local high end dealers can't believe the sound!!! You grab a beefy, surplus DC power supply from eBay and install it outboard in that Linn unit and call me in the morning, dude. Don't believe me? This is what Van Alstine recently posted in his AudioCircle forum:

Just because I am allowing this thread to run on here does not imply that I sanction any of these goofy grossly overpriced turntable designs. I don't.

Me - I am running a 25 year old HK T30 belt drive turntable and arm with the main bearing running in Moble One synthetic oil, the arm bearings in 1000 centistroke liquid silicon, a Tri-Pad record mad, and with my custom made external 12V DC power supply to eliminate all AC hum fields from the unit and provide excellent speed stability. It is quiet, stable, and works great with a Longhorn Grado. I use it for phono preamp design, and if you have heard one of my current phono preamp sections, you would not throw rocks at the turntable. The whole setup cost about $150 years ago.

Frank Van Alstine

There's one guy here (Sedond) who's got an Oracle/Origin Live RB250 with a surplus Hewlett Packard lab grade power supply (about $1K new). I've heard the deck. Also in this forum, Alex Yakovlev is an EE and has a Technics 1200 rigged with an outboard industrial grade power supply. Like in school, connect the dots and use the crayons on your coloring book...

With psychic power and primal intensity,
This one's for Doug Deacon: Them low output moving coils owe quite a lot of their performance to the MASSIVE bodies that absorb resonances. A Vinyl Asylum inmate from Belgium has just received one of my non-resonant, Caribbean Moca wood blocks. The man makes his own low output moving coil cartridge bodies and will report back after Christmas. The moderator of the vinyl circle in AudioCricle was also sent a complimentary block to make DIY versions of the audiophile-priced 'isolator' and hand them free of charge to the guys. Too bad you passed on my offer.

Stay tuned...
"Second, your Basik Plus is a low mass tonearm"

Doug, I'm not sure I agree with this.

To Calgarian...

Is the arm the Basik LVX+? The LVX has an effective mass of 12.5 grams, according to the data on Vinyl Engine and Cartidgedb. The LVX+ has (as I understand it) a fixed headshell in contrast, so I would expect it's mass to be on the order of 11.5 grams or so. This puts the range of catridge masses at about 8-12 grams (with mounting hardware), and compliance from about 10-19, to put the combination with the LVX+ at an acceptable resonance point. (You could go with a much lighter or heavier cart but that would skew the needed compliance into a very narrow range.)

So strictly from a matching POV all the carts you have listed should work (including the 103R mentioned by Downunder). The GCPH has a maximum gain of 60, so you may want to reconsider the Karat very carefully. It has a very low output (.23mV or .2mV depending on the model) and depending on the total gain of your system the GCPH may not be able to drive it high enough.

I'm not sure how the Copland and YBA sound together, but I do have the 103R and can agree with Downunder and Cello. It plays well past its price point. It s non-fatiguing without being "dull" in any way, and as musical as all get out. It is not the most transparent cart ever, and it loses to more advanced stylii in dragging the last little bit of detail out of the groove. But it is just a great sounding cart.

Now, having said all this I will agree with Doug in that, if you're going to upgrade anyway you should probably do it before getting a new cart (assuming the K9 is still usable).
Thank you everyone for your overwhelming responses!

Dougdeacon: I'm pleased you concur with my choice of phono preamp. Originally, I was going to go with a fairly simple phono preamp like the Project, Rega, Creek, Bellari, or Grado units, but opted to increase my budget (for fear of catching the vinyl upgrade bug!) and get a phono preamp that would accomodate most cartridges and also have XLR output to my Aesthetix Calypso.

I'm curious what ZYX cartridges you'd recommend at the price point (or below) of those models I've listed.

I've had mixed input from audiogon members as to the level of performance of my Linn Axis. Some seem to think that it's a fairly decent table that would compete at the level of a VPI Scout...where others think that the Axis is an entry level table. What's surprising is that I paid around $1200 Cdn for the table over 15 years ago...and the VPI Scout costs only $1650 US today..and that's including one of their model 9 tonearms (I like the upgradeability of the Scout as well!).

My K9 is in very good condition still. I've babied my equipment from day one and should I decide to sell my Axis/Basik Plus/K9 combo, I should be able to get decent resale for it.

Thank you for your response. I'll certainly consider upgrading my table first before the cartridge. I'd be very interested to hear how the K9 sounds on the VPI Scout.

By the way, is there a website with Turntable/tonearm/cartridge basics 101? It looks like I need to do more research!

To Tonyptony: My tonearm is simply the "Linn Basik Plus". I think this tonearm was the latest release of the LVX and LVX+ tonearms before they updated their entire entry tonearm lineup with the Akito arm. My tonearm does not have a removeable headshell.

Out of all the cartridges I've listed in my original thread, my first choice was probably the Shelter (simply because of the great reviews I've read about it's amazingly smooth midrange response). As you and Doug have both agreed, I'll probably now upgrade the table/tonearm first before taking the final plunge on the cartridge.

My "system" is not updated and I no longer own the Copland CVA 306 six channel preamp (it is an AMAZING preamp though!). I have since returned to a two channel preamp with the Aesthetix Calypso. I still have the YBA amplifier.

I'll save up a bit more for the turntable/tonearm. In the meantime, my turntable with the K9 is up and running with my PS audio GCPH. I can describe the sound as being smooth, but it lacks detail in the treble and the bass is a bit round and overly soft. If I were to compare the sound to my Ayre C-5xe Universal player, my digital source would definitely be the winner. It's not a fair comparison though.

I was thinking that the cartridge was the leakest link in my vinyl rig, which was my reason for initiating this thread. I may have to pick your brains again after I upgrade my turntable!

Thanks again for all your responses!