Analysis Plus or Harmonic Teck

Could someone characterize the sound or recommend which of these interconnects\speaker cable combos might work best for me. I will be running an EVS millenium DAC2 into EVS nude attenuators into a White audio labs s-200 into Thiel cs3.6 speakers. Or perhaps you might recommend some other manufacturers cables in the context of my system? Appreciated

Showing 1 response by pctower8273

I have not heard AP, but I use Harmonic Tech throughout my system and I strongly disagree with Dennyd. I have tried top of the line Transparent, Cardas, and Goertz and settled on HT. It is very revealing and may not sound good with harsh electronics like Krell. I'm using the cables with a Theta digital, Rowland Electronics, Vandersteen 5 system and they work extremely well. They require substantial breakin. Dealers should allow you a 30 day trial period. Definitely worth a listen. I believe the EVS designer uses a modified version of HT cables in his system. Good luck.