Analysis Plus speaker cables

can anyone offer their experience with these cables? tonality? refinement? 

I owned a pair of the Solo Crystal 8 for a few weeks. Bought them used, so they should have been burned in.
I really liked the tonality, full, vibrant, pretty good extension in both directions. Not the most revealing cables, but for most, that is a good thing.

The one major nit that I just could not get past was the sound-stage though. A very immediate (forward) sound-stage, as if you were instantly transmitted to the front row. Stage was very wide and high, but no depth.
Personally, I prefer a mid-hall presentation, though I do know others that enjoy that front row excitement. 

After a few weeks I sold them, and have had no desire to try any other AP products. They are pretty popular, so I'm sure that others will have had a more positive experience than I did.
I had 2m Oval 10's and 2m Wireworld Eclipse (14 guage).

The 10's were brighter and more complete but like @jmcgrogan2 mentions, had less of a soundstage. The WW however were really noticeably darker, and friends who came over appreciated the improved sound stage but wouldn't give up the treble for it.

Eventually I gave up and reverted back to 12 gauge stranded copper with ICEPower amps and couldn't be happier.

