
Discussions erik_squires has started

Treating the ceiling and floor, who else has had great results?154731
B&W Knock-offs1522
Active vs. Passive - Crossover differences1580
Impedance - The most ignored and useful measurement tool 255129
What happened to Mytek? 113712
Desktop Mixer?1872
The last 20 years of Home Power Have Been Amazing293656
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles741754
Magico - Wide vs. Narrow203746
The need for variety and endless search for new details39610
Is the microwave the perfect model for audio marketting? 93240
The end of physical media is neigh5736125
Large speakers plus EQ, what have you done? 191443
What you need to stream well... 4494
Recordable CD/DVDs are vanishing too154913