"...and I don't take any advertiser money..."

"As usual, this review is not sponsored (nor does any company get to preview anything I review), and I don’t take any advertiser money from any companies I review."

This is from a review of a Garmin sports watch. Do you think any audio reviewers can make this statements?



I haven't read Stereophile in years - the things they review are far, far beyond my budget and not reading it keeps me from succumbing to "audiophilia nervosa." And, I have no idea what their editing process is, so I can't knowingly comment. Finally, as I said, I stick primarily to analog gear, as the workings of much modern digital equipment is beyond my understanding and I limit my streaming to internet radio stations.

I don't know if you'd get anywhere but you might write either Mr. Serinus or Stereophile's editor to see if you get an answer.

I am not referring to industry accommodation. This program has been available, in most instances, to me for over the last 20 years. I was referring to the literal definition as cash for a positive review.  

If you participate on a forum, would do well to examine your own motives around recommendation and why you like certain bits… Your payday might just be…influence… introspection is rare….

Audiophile know thyself 

Enjoy the music