(Another) DAC Recommendation Request

Hey All:

My system:

  • Belles Aria Integrated Amp
  • Schiit Gungnir (1) multibit dac
  • Cyrus cd/t
  • Friz Carbon 7 SE Mk2 speakers

Getting ready to add a streamer/server (probably Aurender N150), but have been thinking that my dac is a weak spot. The Gumby’s mid-range is spot-on for me and the pairing with the Fritz’s produces sufficient bass for my needs, but the Gumby feels lacking, even a little harsh, in the higher frequencies. So, the ask: can anyone recommend a dac that will add some better detail and color in the high end?

Seeing the Schiit Yggy+ GS2 and the Denafrips Pontus 15 each going for <$2K really whet my appetite, but a recent audition of a friend’s Yggy LIM left me underwhelmed as did the audio comparison portion of a YouTube review (caveat emptor) of the Pontus.

My budget is <$3,500, and, TBTH, I really don’t want a massive piece of equipment that’s going to run really hot and dominate the living room (WAF). I’ve gone down the rabbit hole on this and have now researched many dac’s without coming up with a satisfactory solution.

Thanks for your insights.


Showing 1 response by danto

Thanks for all this. I've come to conclusion that I'd really prefer to buy an American-made product, for any number of reasons. To that end...

@soix  I'm really intrigued by and seriously going to consider the LTA. While the lack of input options is a strike against it, the USB, coaxial and optical inputs would be sufficient for my current needs.

@yyzsantabarbara and @dwest1023 Reached out to Schiit to see what they thought, their response: "I would personally recommend the Gungnir 2 over the Yggy GS2. The Gungnir 2 is similar is presentation but has greater clarity and detail. And yes, the GS2 is similar to the OG Yggy, as it has analog 1 cards." Unfortunately, my Gumby 1 cannot be upgraded to a 2. As I also have a Bifrost multibit, I'm thinking that it might be time to jump off the Schiit wagon.

@audphile1 The Bricasti M3 does generate a lot of support in user comments and strong reviews--and scratches the American-made itch, as well. Unfortunately, nothing is currently list in my price range. Will keep scouting.