Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
Here’s a serious question.

Should I buy a pre-amp so I can try the Audio Mirror DAC?

Is it that good?

I’ve been using DACs and CDPs with volume controls directly into amps for years.
@rja I'd say yes.  I'd also been using DAC volume control (via PS Audio's PWD II and Directstream DAC).  Adding a preamp to my system improved every aspect.  I've got a Don Sach''s 6SN7 preamp.  

And I continue to fully recommend the AM dac.  Check my earlier posts for outcomes of my shootout if you haven't already.
Well let me see how best to describe this comparison...

Fully modded MHDT Orchid (Grannyring’s personal DAC with more upgrades than normal) with WE396 tube and HiFi Tuning black/copper fuse. vs Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE with SR Blue fuse. Both using USB with Audio Sensibility Statement USB cable.

Also using Line Magnetic 518ia SET integrated to Omega Super 6 Alnico XRS speakers. Source a Lumin U1 Mini with Qobuz. 

Trying not to use too many audiophile words... the Orchid was the best DAC I‘ve had so far. From a Soekris 1321 to RME ADI-2, the Gungnir MB to Audio Note Kits 4.1LE.... The Orchid was the best of of both between the Gungnir and ANK 4.1. Not as hyper detailed as the Gungnir.... better black background... but not overly smooth like the ANK, but better detail and air. The RME was too clinical and sterile so not even close to these IMHO.

The Orchid is smooth and musical but has lots of detail and air to it. Such a great combination.
I thought I was pretty much done looking for dacs but the AM was so intriguing and one popped up used, so I snagged it it compare then sell the one I’m not gonna keep. Both dacs have plenty of time on them. Both over 300hrs. 
So short to say the AM does everything the Orchid does right but just adds something special. It’s not night and day, but there’s just a bit more 3D to it. Some of the details come thru with a little more weight to them. The lingering notes and air is a little more prevalent. The AM is my final DAC for now. It’s a keeper. I give it the nod due to the extras it has for future use as well. It has AES & i2s digital inputs and XLR balanced outputs (I don’t have any XLR connections now but nice to know I have them down the road) and Isoacoustic Gaia feet. 
That said the Orchid is an amazing value even with the mods added. If you don’t need the extras the AM has I’d say the Orchid is 90%+ the sound equivalent to the AM SE. it’s really close and a testament to the orchid and Grannyring’s great work. So I’ll be selling the Orchid soon. 
For those wondering I compared the AES and USB on the AM and felt the USB has a slight edge. It uses the great Amanero 384 combo board.

" That said the Orchid is an amazing value even with the mods added. If you don’t need the extras the AM has I’d say the Orchid is 90%+ the sound equivalent to the AM SE. "
Can you clarify what you mean by " If you don’t need the extras the AM has ".?  Both versions of the DACs you have incorporate upgraded parts over their respective "standard" versions.