Another Request for Information/Knowledge

What are some possible reasons for distortion in both channels following a cartridge swap? I used a basic pvc protractor and positioned the cartridge correctly at both null points and I set tracking force and anti-skate at the recommended settings for the cartridge. The cartridge is a rebuilt Yamaha MC-3 with a boron cantilever and a fresh re-tip both done by Namika in Japan. The arm is the stock dual tube arm on my Yamaha PF-800 turntable.

I am getting distortion from both channels that is most audible during soft passages.

I wasn’t sure how to use the protractor to account for overhang. As luck would have it, the original overhang gauge that came with the table is the one accessory missing from the box.  Could this account for the distortion?

I’ve learned a lot about vinyl playback over the past couple of months by reading through many discussions posted here but I may be in over my head with my first cartridge swap lol. Thanks again to all who who have helped me along the way.

 0.12g above the original spec does not sound bad. I would appreciate a recommended tracking force from the retipper. I got a JICO SAS for my Shure V15 Type III and they recommend 1.25g (vs. original spec of between 0.75 and 1.25g). 
The original Yamaha MC3 vtf range is 1.2g ±0.2g , but since your sample recantilevered/retipped it can be different.


it’s normal for any cartridge, when it’s NEW you have to use maximum (not minimum) tracking force during burn-in period.

You need hi-fi news test lp to check suspension condition and to set up anti-skating.

When you said "retip done by Namika in Japan" i think you mean Namiki cantilever/stylus, this is manufacturer, not retipper.

Namiki website:

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to help.  Its greatly appreciated.  Once again, I’ve learned a lot of great information from each and every reply.
Chakster hit it on the head. Increase the VTF until the distortion goes away. You do not want that stylus rattling around in the groove as that will damage your records. If it is a linear contact stylus it will safely operate at higher VTF. I have seen elliptical styli do OK between 1.5 and 2 gr. Set your anti skate by putting your stylus down in the run out area between the groove. It should drift ever so slowly towards the spindle before the next groove catches it. Even better is the Hi Fi News Test Record. IMHO a must for every vinyl junkie. 

The first thing I would check is to see how the stylus looks under a microscope. I have a hand-held device I've used for this since the 1970s. Cartridges can make a lot of distortion if the stylus isn't right!

The other problem I've seen is the magnet structure can shift if the cartridge is dropped or the like.