don’t forget about a dust cover
chakster has/had two of these beautiful Luxman PD444 Two Arm TT’s,
I had more depth, not enough width available.
I went for a Vintage JVC Victor Large Plinth CL-P2 with TWO removable arm boards, Plinth is unique: 7 layers
’expired’, Eugene may relist it. gives you lots of info
you pick your arms, long on right, one of the two with removable cartridge and easily adjustable VTA is nice.
fits several of their Direct Drive Spinners,
TT61 (not quartz locked)
TT71, TT81 (mine), both quartz locked.
TT801, vacuum platter, ultimate bragging rights, often need work I have read, not for me.
Next, I squeezed a 3rd arm on the left side, got greedy, too clever, probably should have stayed at 2. On the other hand, I am ready for MM to avoid wear on MC, and Stereo/Mono instantly during a listening session.
12.5" arm MC Stereo on right
9" rear, removable headshell, VTA on the FLY, MM Stereo, or any pre-mounted in a headshell
9" compact Mono on left side
SUT with 3 switchable inputs, 4 optional loads/x-factors/impedances; PASS for MM.. out to single beloved MM Phono Input.
Mine is Fidelity Research FRT-4.
Entre ET-100 has similar features
you can see my 3 arm TT here: