Any Caviar Fans Here?

It's New Years and my wife and I generally enjoy some caviar as an appetizer. I've been buying the American paddlefish caviar, which we greatly enjoy. This year I purchased some Sterling Royal, which is about $110 for 1.75 oz, which we're looking forward to trying. Never tried Russian or Iranian, which are much pricier. Any fans of fish eggs here? Where do you buy yours? Happy New Years to everyone, BTW.
There are several types I tried:

- Sturgeon Asetra Russia
- Beluga Russia
- Iranian Asetra

All of them are excellent ( I believe Iranian were the best quality ) with their own flavor and if you want to try, just do it, cos soon it will be over and the price will be such high that it will become an real Black Gold.
Polution and illegal fishing are two huge problems that will kill the last Beluga from the Caspian Sea. Personally, I have some problems with this fishy business, cos I read somewhere that illegal caviar takes the most world market and close to 80% of total, sad. In fact, its almost impossible to detect what ever caviar was/is legal or not, cos even in Iran they have some illegal practices.

Above all, the most important is the fact that sturgeon is one of the oldest species with no future, sad again.
I thought at first we were talking about Carver, not over priced fish eggs for the yuppie crowd, I gotta get new glasses. ;)

Good post.
As for me and caviar, I tried it once and it came up faster than it went down.
I couldn't even begin to swallow the stuff.
Acquired taste is one thing but I'd need a gun to my head to do it again.
Next time try it with the gun to your head and see how it goes down.
But seriously, it appears that there are very few in the middle, either you really like it or hate it.
I'm a big fan of uni (sea urchin) roe. I do like caviar though. Not enough to make a special purchase, but, I've eaten and enjoyed different types many times.
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