Any comments on the deHavilland UltraVerve preamp?

I am thinking about replacing my Audible Illusions Modulus 3 (not a 3A) with a new deHavilland UltraVerve preamp. Has anyone had any experience with the UltraVerve? The reviews have been great, but I would rather have comments from people who actually own one.


>>01-26-09: Fiddler
Mr. Tennis, why would you possibly return the preamp because<<

A better question is, why would anybody read his reviews?

Thank you Dawgcatching and Classical1 for your thoughts. It sounds like the deHavilland UltraVerve will be really hard to beat for the money. It is good to know that the UltraVerve is competitive with the Audio Research LS26. Wow, that says a lot! I know that the AR LS26 is very good, but if the UltraVerve comes that close in sound, it is a steal at the price.

It is impossible to listen to all preamps in this price range so that is why I appreciate everyone's comments. I do not replace preamps often so I want to make sure I am not making a mistake. If anyone else has any comments on the deHavilland UltraVerve I would really love to hear them.

Thank you.

i don't review products whose reviews would be very critical. i chose what to review, and what not to review.

i suggest that anyone desiring to read my reviews, visit the website
Mr T said:
if you favor a tube preamp that sounds more like solid state, you may prefer this preamp.

This surprises me as the UltraVerve was the 1st tube preamp I ever bought. I had previously been using three SS pre's: a Quad, Adcom GFP-750 and Pass Labs preamps. My UltraVerve sounded nothing like those solid state products. In fact the Ultra Verve was what really had me think I'd probably never go back to solid state.

I don't claim to have read everything written about the Ultra verve, but I don't recall it ever being described as like a SS preamp.. and that was not my experience.
That's his opinion.

Do a search on his other posts. You'll find his views, ideas, and opinions contrary to the mainstream.

Ignore him.