I would agree with Newmanoc as I am essentially in the same shoes.
Kinsekd if you did all these upgrades at the same time how can you have a quantitative understanding of improvement? I understand the convenience yet that is a lot of scratch. Had you auditioned these incrementally? Although I essentially agree with your upgrades I would have swapped the Keel for the Ekos SE for a possibly better improvement at a cost savings.
I have updated my Lp12 circa 1982 one step at a time and can unequivocally conclude that the Cirkus cut my surface noise by 50% plus well adding improved low level detail, the Lingo tightened up everything making everything more timbre correct, improving depth of stage, and added a greater (deeper) lower end. The Akiva quieted things down even better, especially on old well worn vinyl and has extracted even greater levels of low level detail which has also with no coincidence improved sound stage and instrument placing. All great sonic values. I too consider the Keel smart but extremely over priced and find it disenchanting that Linn would make the profit margins so high against their possible mass proliferation of raising the Sondek Lp12 name back to a place of respect amidst all the marvelous late comers to this industry/market. Their intent (marketing strategy) leaves me confused. They have been side-tracked from two channel analog for far too long IMHO but itÂ’s good to see them back with innovative ideas and not abandoning what made their name in the first place. It will take a home audition/evaluation and nothing less for me to fork out with that kind of cash on a Keel upgrade. As for the Ekos SE which still will not allow the end user VTA on the fly, as so many of the competitors have found need to offer. And to top it all off I couldn't determine the value of these new updates at the resent Linn Manufacturer/Dealer listening demo due to the all Linn amp and speaker compo. With all due respect, how can Linn discern source upgrades with a reference system so over dynamic and yet seemingly vacuous in musicality (the dreaded word audiophile comes to mind), it leaves me totally baffled! Yet I love my Sondek Lp12 so hey, what do I know?
Happy (analog) Listening!