Any good.... JPS

Looking for an opinion on the JPS Kaptovator as I am considered it for my power amp. What is the sonic signature like as compare with say the Fatboy or the King Cobra?

Showing 4 responses by samuel

The Kaptovator is an exceptional power cord when used on amplifiers and is competitive with the bestavailable. I'd be extremely suspicious of anyone trying to steer you in a particular direction. Words like "best" and better than xyz are quite worthless without a whole bunch of system and listening context. There seems to be an awful lot of covert promotion occurring at this site, IMO. Stewart at Weekend Environments carries ElectraGlide and Shunyata power cords. Audio Artistry carries FIM, and Galen Carol Audio carries JPS and Shunyata power cords. I would recommend you audition all that you can procure for trial without risk. All those dealers should be willing to provide those PC's at minimal expense other than shipping. Take your time in selecting what you will own and you will never spend your money unwisely. There is no such thing as a "best" power cord for any application. There are system, component and listener dependent variables that you must take into account. These product hawkers seem to be disregarding that, and merely are telling you what to buy. The only way to know what is best for you is to listen for yourself. If you would like contact information for any of the aforementioned dealers, feel free to contact me.
The point of the matter Mr Brulee, the point that I'm trying to make regarding power line components, is that it is best that each individual do their own exploring and come to their own conclusions.. Do you have the same frame of reference as the person asking the question? The same tastes? The same equipment? Based on what I've seen and heard, the FIM is worthy of an audition in it's price range. I've seen elsewhere, that the FIM was not the first choice among those cables...Are the people that do not find as you do simply deluded? Or, less astute listeners? I don't think so. I've evaluated, reviewed or owned over 40 different power-line products, from that I learned that chhosing a reference for ones system is a very personal journey. Mr Nex has a good group of recommended PC's to choose from, why shouldn't he do his own listening and come to his own conclusions? Isn't that the whole point of our hobby? What's to be lost in that? Why are you pushing the FIM so hard?
I must assume you're referring to my post. I made no such nefarious suggestion, I merely asked a question. The member Brulee's response was reasonable and I accept it at face value, I appreciate his candor. My comments were also referenced on his post in another thread that "xyz is the best in every application". I'm sorry, but if he can promote that notion, why should I be restrained from opininig that that is NOT true in a civil manner? Moreover, your ("rather than your favorite abc possibly?")comment is IMO more insinuating and provocative than anything I wrote above. Since I rarely, if ever see anything but "favorites" promotion here, I thought a few words of caution were in order. I can recount hundreds of "buy because it's popular" incidents that I've seen and heard about. The convenience and cost cutting internet shopping boards often make impulse buying irresistable, I was interested in cautioning against such methods of purchase with PC's. Having money, or buying luxury priced products does NOT necessarily mean the purchaser is wise or free of impulse, as you seem to intimate. I really don't get your "heavy handed" comment or "beyond cynical". I see none of that in this thread, if you do, be specific. I'm a little taken aback by your comments, they seem to me to be extreme given the circumstances and reasonable exchanges above.
jc tubes wrote: >>>As I'm sure that you can understand, this type of -shall I use a word as strong as ATTACK- of another's character based solely on supposition is quite distasteful<<< ...ATTACK on his character??? You're really on safari with that term jc... I said: "Why are you pushing FIM so hard?" How do you get anything but a question out of that? Given Brulee's somewhat promotional comments above, his failure to answer the original question, and even stronger(and imo reckless) comments elsewhere, my question was no where near out of line. Brulee took no offense and accepted some responsibility for making comments that could be misconstrued as promotion. He both answered my question and sent me a commiserative e-mail on the matter. You appear to be the only one crying foul here. No I wasn't the least offended by anything you had to say on the matter, I merely pointed out that you were doing the exact same thing that you accused me of. I was amused by the gravity you were attaching to a situation that was clearly not what you were claiming and did not involve you. Asking direct questions about someones motivation is NOT attacking or questioning character, I was asking for information. Is there covert promotion occurring at this site? After viewing all the boards and looking at various responses, my answer is, ABSOLUTELY! You can't possibly be naive enough to believe this site is free from it? If I see something that looks questionable, it is within the bounds of reason to question it, or ask for background. Again, I accepted Brulee's explanation at face value and commended him for owning his comments. So, the matter seemed resolved for everyone... but you. I have every right to comment and ask questions within the bounds of interpersonal decorum here. There's far too much of the "this is best" exchanges and soundbytes of info on this forum, and that rarely gets pointed out. No, I don't believe excess context and "IMO" statements are always warranted or needed, but the complete opposite of that appears to occur here quite often. Unequivocal statements of one products superiority to another in all applications is not in the best interests of people seeking hobby information. I have just as much right to express that opinion as people have to make their "This is the best ever" comments...It's about balance jc, and I felt that this, and some other threads here, lack it.