any good turntables with repeat function

Is there a good turntable with a repeat-play function? I once owned the B & O 8000 but no more. Would love to have that table back but there must be others of equal or better quality. Presently use VPI Mark II. Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by fatparrot

Hey Cornfed, how the heck have you been?!!! Are you going to start posting again? Good to see your moniker again!
Jsbail, I think that I remember reading years ago high quality virgin vinyl (MoFi, DCC, Japanese vinyl, et. al) can be played repeatedly. Also, I seem to remember that in actuality, the grooves on inferior non-virgin vinyl returned to normal after 12 hours. Perhaps better minds than mine can refresh my foggy memory on this one.

Jdh9, I used a Kenwood KP 5022-A direct drive table that had a repeat function. This table was produced in the mid '70's. It kicked butt on the Technic tables from that era. I don't know if there are any modern quality tables with a repeat function. A CD player with repeat won't cut it for your listening pleasure, I take it?