Any HiFi equipment sound similar to YBA sonics ?

may i humbly seek advices from experienced audiogon menbers whom knows of ANY hifi equipment (CDP, preamp/amp) that share similar characteristics to YBA ? perhaps 85% to 90+% closeness in airyness and its laidback uncompress open soundstage. any input would be deeply appreciated. i tried audition few brands but sadly none. Currently their YBA Passion & lower series do not really have sonic as impressive as former YBA Classic series. Thanks again.


I should have read the whole posts before responding, my apologies. For SS amplification, consider Pass' XA .5 series class A amps, this would be more in line with the sound you're after. Great transparency and presence. Keep us updated on your new equipment search.

sure of course, i would definitely post my encounters with the Hifi i experienced. i would try going for more listening whenever possible. but i just don't wish to visit each and every hifi dealers and make them feel i am wasting their time since i'm hunting for specific type of sound.
So i hope anyone whom have brief idea of any Hifi equipment that sound similar to YBA classics range to enlighten me, i'll post my findings and give a more conclusive and comparison with other hifi set, and make future Audiogoners easier in selection process.

What's your main speakers by the way? For sources, would you be willing to fore-go CD players instead go for the DACs such as from Linn, Weiss, PS Audio, Berkeley, Ayre, DCS name a few. I'm not as experienced as most seasoned audiophiles here, but I think these are some of the best digital sources available in the market.

I heard the Pass XP30 last year, for SS, I really like it and IMO this would compete with the very best out there including tube based ones in terms of transparency and straight wire concept (no coloration). But I would leave the preamp option last, instead try the DACs directly feeding the amps first as most comes with variable output and see if it matches well with your system. Most audiophiles experience thinness when fed directly. But depending on the I/O impedances b/w DAC and amps, type of speakers and ancillary equipments, one can be a rewarding experience.

just upgraded from ML Vantage to Spire. these are fast & revealing speakers. i have not heard any DACs before, but if any can sound similar to YBA classic, that would be best!
i'm using MIT cables, compared to that $4000 Siltech RCA interconnect, which is extremely good, i still prefer MIT. i had A/B them in a $50000 Spectral electronic & Avalon system, so i believe what i hear is their true sound. i suggest anyone whom love jazz using Naim system to give Siltech a try.
can you suggest any DAC that sound laidback & airy & smooth relax highs? BTW, is it extremely rare to find DACs with balance adjustments as compare to preamps? my budget is not high, maybe the farthest i go for DAC or Pre is 10-11k, still need to get YBA amp or Electrocompaniet amp though.