Any JBL 1400 Synthesis Array owners

I have a pair and am interested in what amps you have tried and the results. I am currently using a 70 wpc tube amp to great effect. I will also try the Quicksilver 90wpc Silver Mono and MFA M 200 in 100 wpc triode mode. The Bryston 14BSST is great but too heavy for me so I reluctantly sold it. Perhaps trying a 3 BSST in the future for a SS alternative.
Using an Aesthetix Calypso preamp.
I just tried the Quicksilver Silver mono, similar to the new Silver 88, and the match is very synergestic. Great bottom end control and extension. Eventually I will try all 4 of them. Just very well matched. PT
Dave 72, I bet the JBL speakers sounded better than the magico speakers hands down!

Probably, but the magazines don't want you to know that, or they just don't know. lol.
Dave 72, seem's JBL introduced synthesis LS-80 speaker's, along with the other synthesis LS model line, have you had the chance to listen to these speaker's?
Those have been around for a while now actually. no, I haven't heard them yet.
Dave_72, How long have they been around, unless I missed something, I just noticed this new line of JBL speakers, The last time I was on the JBL sysnthesis web-site, I admitt, it must been a while, a few months to a year, but that's it, unless JBL did not put these on their web-site until long after they where on the market?, the LS-80 speaker looks appealing, I wonder what the retail is, and the specs?