any members in Montana

I am interested in an ad posted from the beautiful state of Montana, but the seller is is not an expert and cannot say much about the state of the amp. If there was a member nearby Whitefish, I would make it worth their while to look at it for me. Thank you!


Is it true that in Montana you can legally marry a grizzly bear?

The honeymoon would probably be a short one, @thecarpathian .

Anyway, the impression I got from a Dodge forum that I frequent is that the daytime speed limit is still 80 on the interstate and US highways.

Oops! Too late to edit, but as I thought about what I typed,  I got that part a bit wrong, and a google confirmed it:

daytime AND night time on interstate is 80 mph

daytime on two lane highways (not just US highways) is 70 mph, and night time on those highways is 65 mph.

Great discussion on reasonable and the world's fastest Indian where the NHL pulls him over. Also look up the silver state classic road challenge and Nevada open road challenge.i currently  have  2 mopar one i got to race an f16.enjoy the music cuz the mopar has nice hifi.