
Responses from mark200mph

The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history??
I only wish I could go to an audio store and hear these unicorns.i live in a non audio state with low population.but I will have to live vicariously through the reviewers eyes and ears.maybe I could become a reviewer and have the factory send me s... 
Netting Over Connectors - Do They Help?
What? I have left mine on for 40 years,does it make a difference in connection to take them off.ill have to try that.enjoy the music the search and the science.  
A life sentence!!!
Look at how much joy this stuff has brought humanity.i enjoy just reading this thread.may you all stay healthy and happy.enjoy the search and the music.sometimes it is the journey.  
A life sentence!!!
All of it. It's like which kid is your calms the savage beast helps stroke rehab patients and the alz dz.enjoy the music and the search.  
Is Full-size speakers for L-R Rears advisable?
I have full size speakers for front and rear.wih dsp my denon avr 110 has the microphone that evens it all out.atmos is great.some music recording now are in atmos.they have self prowered subs.with class d 1500 watts each.class d is where it's at ... 
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
Keep us posted on how the magico breakin is going.enjoy the music.  
Potential relief for tinnitus?
The current treatment of miniers is during the attack low does Valium 2 mg .maxzide as a daily dose. Avoid the things that set it off for yourself .if it becomes life disrupting a surgical procedure called endolymphatic shunt can help. You go behi... 
Upscale Audio is up front with customers
Have bought from upscale and great experiience.would buy again due to thier sale prixes.enjoy the search.  
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
I do play the soundtrack with the dopler effect of the train comming closer and pitch change and leaving with pitch change.the advantage is I can play it when I want and the train doesn't wake me up at night.normal listening 50 to 80 db.i did go s... 
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
Yes 120 db can only stand for less that a minute then damage to the hair cells in the cochlea begins to happen.i do this to hear the base but have ear muffs on .osha states 80 db for 8 hours is the safe limit.i have several kw mono amps and some p... 
Tubes and less sensitive speakers
The sanders magtec was developed for this type of speaker.they work well great synergy.the music room has one for sale around can go to sanders sound website and read his white paper.enjoy the search  
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
I have the q7 and they have a binding post for the high and one for the low  to bi amp or biwire.i put the hegel 30 a in mono and it must have been too low of ohms and put it into loop mode.the mcintosh work great due to hybride it works fine soun... 
How long should high quality speakers last?
I do like the marchand electronic crossover and have talked to him.he will answered questions and tailer a build to you needs.enjoy the search.  
How long should high quality speakers last?
Forever.because they cut my grants from the gov.all of the above is great advice.there are companies that replace the ferrofluid.i have reconed many speakers and using the shims to center the cone is very important keeping the voice coil aligned. ... 
new Parasound A21+ vs my old Rotel RB-1080
Sterophile review parasound jc 1