I was pretty happy prior to running DIRAC but I have a tendency to favor a little extra bass in the low end. After running DIRAC the sub integrated much better and my wife stopped complaining about things being "so boomy".
This is the best case scenario, but important to remember a lot of systems with automatic room EQ/correction still allow you to do manual adjustments.
I too favor adding more bass than "perfect."
Also important to note that these systems are not identical, and stuck in time. Dirac today is different than it was 5 years ago. In the end, the choices made by these systems are tuned by humans, not oscilloscopes. You should listen to them in the store before buying. Right now though, JL Audio, Dirac and Anthem make systems I can recommend in general for doing things well.
And... EQ of all kinds is always improved by good room treatment. If you can treat the room, do that first. If you cannot, EQ is often much better than doing nothing.