Any Opinions about Innersound ESL amps?

I'm thinking of increasing the power to my Martin Logan CLSIIz's. I currently have a Marsh a400s and considering trying the Innersound ESL Amp or Innersound ESL monoblocks.
Any opinions would be appreciated.
Hi Hbrandt, I have to reply as my middle name is Brandt and I own and sell the Innersound ESL amps (and product line).
The ESL amp is specifically designed to drive electrostatics and puts out 600 watts per channel into 4 ohms. A local dealer has the Marsh amp and it doesn't drive the Soundlabs very well at all but the ESL amp (they also carry them) has no problem gettting the most from the Soundlabs, which are as hard to drive as anything out there. As for the sound quality, I believe they really compare to the very best and you might want to go to to read what 3'rd party reviews of the amp have to say. If I can answer anything else for you or help you acquire one, please let me know.
Hello HBrandt:

I currently use the ESL amp for my CLSIIZ's, and can't imagine a better amp for them; it is such a great synergy. The ESL amp gets all of the smallest details, and is capable of greater dynamics than I've ever heard with CLS speakers. It never sounds the least bit strained or hard, even with very dynamic peaks, and is purpose-built for 'stats. I have also used the ESL amp with the Innersound Eros, and various models of Acoustats, and it was also better than any other amp I have ever used with these. Furthermore, I paired it with current-hungry Apogee Duetta Signatures and Gallo Nucleus Reference speakers, with very impressive results. I give this amp 5 stars (at least), and it could find a home in many systems. The support from Roger Sanders for his products is without equal in my experience, and he has been very generous with tech support and information. Good Luck
We're a tube kinda couple, but when my wife and I compared the Innersound ESL amp to our 400 watt customized Melos monoblocks, an ARC VT-200 and Threshold Stasis SA-2's we were mighty impressed. We tried the combo on the Eros and our old full range Acoustats. We highly recomend it for electrostats.
Well, based on the excellent feedback about the Innersound amps, I decided to take the plunge and order a couple of Innersound ESL Monoblocks. After I get them, I'll post a comparison with the Marsh a400s right here!! Thanks for all your help, folks! I happy!! Finally, an audio decision that worked out. I received my Innersound ESL Monoblocks from Innersound and I am incredibly impressed. I underestimated the difference that moving from the Marsh a400s (330 w/ch. 4 ohm)to the Innersounds (1200 w/ch. 4ohm) would make. The Martin Logan CLS IIz's, like most electrostats are a difficult and reactive load. I thought the Marsh was doing a pretty good job, but it would occasionally go into protect mode at high volume.

The new amp does just about everything the Marsh did well. Pure rich detailed sound without coloration. The Marsh was a bit extreme in the high end and I'm finding the Innersounds to be a bit more refined in that area. But the major difference is the expansive soundstage and energy of the extra power into the electostats. The tight midbass punch is superb. Symphonic music, in particular, sounds more realistic.

My next step is to compare the Innersound coaxial speaker cables (which I'm currently using) to my Tara The One Reference speaker cables. I sent the 10 ft pair back to Tara to have them cut into a 6ft pair and a 4 ft pair and reterminated. They should be back next week and I'll post the results here.

Also, I should say that Roger Saunders has been great to work with at Innersound. He has spent a lot of time on the phone with me explaining about the science of electrostats and his amps.

Needless to say, I'm a happy camper in audio nirvana!!!