Any Present Magnepan 3.7i owner using them in a smaller listening space...

I am contemplating the purchase of the 3.7i's however I have a smaller listening space.  My space is approx. 10-ft in width by approx.14-ft depth (the space is open behind the listening position).  The most distance I could put the 3.7i's out from the front-wall would be about 3-ft.  If any of you 3.7i owners are working with a smaller listening space, can you offer some recommendations as to how you got your speaker placement to work ?  As I understand it, Maggies in general need to be placed out notably from the front wall to give them room to "breathe".  

Any experience or recommendations would help me in deciding to purchase or go another route.  Thanks !  

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Showing 4 responses by liquidsound

@yyzsantabarbara  Thanks for your input on the LRS+.  I've heard personally and from all the reviews the LRS+ is terrific.  I really like the greater treble definition with the 3.7i's as I've heard both... Perhaps the 3.7i's would be to much for my smaller room.  

Thanks to all of you who have contributed to this conversation.  For those who have them in smaller rooms or have heard them in such, this gives me hope that they might work in my small listening space.  I believe in order to satisfy my curiosity on the 3.7i's, I will find a dealer or someone in the central Forida area where I can hear these speakers in a small room with similar dimensions to mine.  I've heard the 3.7i's in a couple of dealers when I lived in No. Virginia and they sounded pretty amazing, even with mid-fi electronics, however they were in rooms notably larger than mine.  Yes...  The ribbon tweeter is truly amazing.  Vocals sound very real and micro-detailed and sound stage is also very good.  Thanks again !  John  

Hi All... Great suggestions and recommendations.  I know having enough clean quality power is really important especially with amplifiers that are able to drive current.  I'm also big on room treatments and with the right combination of proper attenuation and diffusion, the room can improve the listening experience tremendously.  In my opinion room treatments are a necessity to get the best sound from your system.  

Hi All... Great suggestions and recommendations.  I know having enough clean quality power is really important especially with amplifiers that are able to drive current.  I'm also big on room treatments and with the right combination of proper attenuation and diffusion, the room can improve the listening experience tremendously.  In my opinion room treatments are a necessity to get the best sound from your system.