Any Putumayo fans?

Dan Storper's Putumayo world music has been around for about 15 years, and I have about a dozen of his offerings. Are there any fans out there that have some favorites they want to share? Putumayo latest - Women of the World Acoustic, is one that you may want to have a listen to.
Dan Stroper is/was an importer of handicraft and clothing and travel the world looking for products. He named his company after "Putumayo" after a beautiful river valley in Columbia. As he was walking through Golden Gate park in S.F. one day, he heard some ethnic musical groups performing and it inspired him to collect and record music from around the world, thus "Putumayo World Music".

All of Putumayo recordings are dynamic and musical to say the least. I believe there are at least 100 titles from all over the world. A great one to check out if you are not familiar with Putumayo, is their 10th anniversary 2cd collection. Along with their latest offering "Women of the World Acoustic", I also enjoy "Blues from around the World."

Happy Listening!
Yes, I have a few Putumayo discs, and like them very much. Most recently Paris (which my French friend liked so much, she got a copy herself). One of my favorites is A Native American Oddysey (don't know if it's still in print). I'll have to investigate Women of Spirit.
Also, if you like music from other countries, I have been enjoying and recommend any of the "Belly Dance Superstars" CDs for Middle Eastern Music. They are more high-energy than most Putumayo discs; in fact they tend to be unabashedly bombastic in the very best way. So, as I type and think, different than Putumayo, but I want to throw them into the mix anyhow.
BIG Fan! I listen to their internet radio station all the time! I have about 41 cds. My favorites are Latin Lounge, Music from the Coffee Lands. I gotta check out that new one.
Two of my favorite CDs are, "Women of the World Celtic", and "Women of the World Celtic II".
Thanks for the recomendations guys, looks like we have a lot of catching up to do with Tbooe. I wasn't aware they had an internet radio broadcast, gotta check it out.

BTW, if you purchase two cds from their web site (not sure for how long), they will send you a free sampler and shipping is on them, Good deal!