Any suggestions for top-end home-made cables?

I want to upgrade my interconnects on a low budget. I can solder. Any suggestions, eg microphone cable? Plugs? What's best for the very low signal coming from an MC cartridge? I have a VDH Black Beauty cartridge in Adanalog parallel airbearing arm on Nottingham Analogue Dais TT, Silk SUTs, Croft phono/preamp, 211 SE amp, esl63s. Would welcome any wisdom and creative solutions, as I'm certain very good results must be obtainable at a fraction of the extortionate cost of "hifi" cables. My speaker cables are single strand pure silver in teflon, which work very well.
cable asylum is a great resource. i made jon risch designed i/c's and speaker cables. he has done a lot of work with audio cables and i have had incredible results with his designs. the coax he uses is belden 89259. you'll find him on the cable asylum.
Look into canare 4s11 cable,its cheap and will save you alot of time. Don't fall into the magic of high priced cables,get well made cable with good connectors and call it a day.