Any system ever moved you emotionally like this?

Below is a recent quote from the LA Times from a concert violinist after he had played a violin made by the late 1600's master, Antonio Stradivari.

"After I played the Mendelssohn Concerto on it, I cried like a baby," McHugh recalled. It was "smooth, as sweet as could be. . . . It was something I had a love affair with."

Ever been moved to tears by a system? If so, what song was playing and what comprised the system?
The first time I heard Eva Cassidy sing Over the Rainbow on "The Other Side with Chuck Brown" cd was pretty emotional. I was also thinking about her death when I was listening, so this may have been part of it. She was very good though. System was an Ayre CX-7 cd player, Straightwire Serenade ICs, Krell KRC-3 preamp, Shunyata Aries ICs, Aragon 8008BB amp, dual run Straightwire Maestro II SCs, Mirage M3si speakers.
there's NO substitute for playing a musical instrument and producing the sound yourself. that is the very definition of "involvement". and you don't necessarily have to be a professional musician. plus, it will greatly enhance your appreciation of the performance qualities of great musicians/singers when you listen to recordings on ANY system.
i feel i can understand (at least in part) the strong emotions of the violinist who played the strad-although the magnificient mendelssohn concerto may have accounted for 90% of his reaction.
okay, to answer the question, a.c.jobim on vinyl played on an sme-30 turntable with sonus faber extrema speakers.
the rest of the system was unremarkable. that was the 1st time i'd heard "high-end with heart"- very moving. everything i'd heard before that was more "hi-rez" than anything else.
I think the first time I heard Eva Cassidy was during the last Winter Olympics. Seems like Michelle Kwon skated to Fields of Gold. I remember scrambling to find out who sang the music though.
You're right about Michelle Kwan- she actually got some award from Cassidy's family I believe for using Fields Of Gold in her programs.