Any transport suggestions for AR DAC1? Krell md2?

Dear all,

At the moment I have the following system: Audio Research SP11 pre, Classé 25 amp, Audio Research Dac1-20 dac, Accuphase DP60 cd-player (which I use as a transport) and B&W 802 mk3 speakers. Very happy with it.

I'm considering to buy a decent transport to replace the Accuphase. I have to buy it second hand so its difficult to try it at home before buying. Does anyone have suggestions? Is a Krell md2 a good choice? And a PS audio Lambda?

Thanks for the advice!
Thanks a lot guys, problemen solved: bought a Krell kps-20i, it blows away all the redbook cd-equipment I ever had..
Currently my system is: totem hawk, creek destiny intergrated amp, northstar dac mk1 and pc as source, I think the weakest link in my system is the source, any suggestions?

Thanks for advice in Advance!!!!
Why wouldn't you use the matching Audio Research transport? Aren't they designed to work together?