Any VAC Phi 30/30 Owner's?


I am the happy owner of a VAC Phi 30/30 amp, having stretched my budget when it came up on Audiogon a few months ago. This must be a rare piece, as I really haven't seen any posts by other owners. It's extremely refined and airy, but I suspect it's true potential is being masked by my Audible Illusions Mod 3a preamp. The speakers are Reynaud Trentes with Kimber Select KS-3035 cables. I'd like to upgrade the preamp but my budget is limited to the Modwright 9.0SE, Supratek Syrah or used Cary SLP-98P range. Are their any other VAC owners who could suggest a synergistic move within my budget of around $2,000? Would it be worth going to cheaper speaker cables to extend my available budget for electronics? I prefer a full function preamp, as I listen to vinyl.

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Well the Renaissance Series is twice the price. I was limiting myself to your budget with my recommendation.

Double your budget and I'll recommend the Renaissance also.
