Anybody hear the Von Schweikert VR-4jr at CES?

I've been hearing some great things about this new mini VR-4. Has anybody here had a chance to hear it yet?

Those amp and preamp suggestions should be kept under $4k total, please.
And thanks for the replies so far.
Sorry me again. I came up with a suggestion, for myself.
The Spectron Musician IIId. This is suppose to be an integrated amp with built in DACs.
Interesting, no?
I have a pair on order as well & heard they pushed the date back, mid-march for delivery? I hope not, I can't wait to hear them.
Those speakers are the ones I remember most from my CES excursion. Very dynamic and natural speakers. If I ever move out of my AP Libras, I may go with these...
I think I am going to try a digital amp with mine. Bel Canto, PS Audio or Spectron. I listened to mine "briefly" the other night & oh boy did they sound good. I won't have a chance to hear them again until Thursday.