Anybody tried EMM DCC2 into preamp?

I use an Esoteric DV-50 as CDP. I love the Atma-Sphere MP-1/MA 2.2 (mod) combination/synergy and would hate to give up the MP-1, but want the best possible digital source, which is clearly the EMM DCC2 (+ transport).
I know that this unit functions as a preamp too and could make my MP-1 redundant. Has anyone used the DCC2 with a high quality preamp, eg Atma-Sphere, Aesthetix, etc instead of just straight into the amp, which is obviously more logical? Is there any chance that the synergy of the Atma-Sphere preamp/amp will even improve the sound of the DCC2 (+ EMM transport)? Anybody done that yet?
Atma-Sphere 2.2 Modified by Jena labs with 7 driver tubes, re-wired Jena wires (when Jena was an AS service center) and RCA black base Drivers
Atma-Sphere MP-1 Mk II with upgraded caddock resistors preamp
Kharma CRM 3.2
Stealth Indra XLR DCC2 to preamp
PAD Dominus preamp-amp
PAD Dominus S/C
PCs: Electraglide Ultra Khan Rev 2 to DCC2, Electraglide Mini-Khan to preamp, Voodoo Silver Dragon to CDSD, Michael Wolff gain cords(4) to amps
I've often had equivocal experiences in Audio, where you really have to sit in the sweet-spot and carefully listen for subtle innuendos of timbre, tone, soundstaging and musical impact - of critical analysis to compare components. I've done this dozens of times with interconnects, CDPs and P/Cs. Sometimes it's very close - more brilliant & sweeter highs, softer, flabbier bass, leaner midrange - but this was a no-brainer to these ears in this system in this room. Just night and day. I am categoric about this statement.
Where is JTINN when we need him? (he was everywhere when he didn't get his equipment.........after about half a year heh,heh).

Springbok10, no dispute over the differences simply which one is the truer representation? Logically speaking, with the IC removed and shorter signal path you may argue the DCC2 but tubes do certainly add something to the mix.
By the way, don't let my posts in any way detract from the amazing clarity, finesse, low-level detail and silky richness that the EMM combination imparts to the music. And there's no background noise. Eerily quiet.It's quite stunning. Just more so through the Atma-sphere preamp.................
I have the DCC2/CDSD as a digital source. About 6 months ago, I compared the preamp of the DCC2 to my tubed preamp, AudioNote M-10. At that time, I preferred the M-10 (more soundspace, air, weight.) When I posted my observation, it was suggested that the DCC2 preamp was not broken and perhaps it was not a fair comparison. For the last 3 months I have been without my M-10 (being modified by AN.) Thus I have using and very much enjoying the DCC2 as a preamp exclusively. With time, the staging improved and the music developed more weight. I recently got my M-10 back and put it back into my system. To my ears, IMS, the M-10 was still much more preferable with the same comparative observations. However, I really enjoy the DCC2 preamp and would be happy to use it. BTW, my amps are 45 SETs with my speakers actively biamped.