Anyone audition/own the new McIntosh speakers?

Hey everyone
I just saw a pair of beautiful Academy LS360s go for a song on ebay and they got me curious. They really look great and seem to have all sorts of interesting design details. Anyone listened to them? I found only one review and it said they are outstanding. Any comments on this new series would be cool as no dealers around me have any. Thanks
I recieved my Mcintosh WS-350 speakers the other day. The first thing I noticed was the build quality. I had no idea that Mcintosh built to such a high standard. The in-wall speakers have to be assembled so you can see the internals of the speakers. I am the type that always takes apart everything that I buy to see what the insides look like. Yeah, I was one of those kids, lol. Anyway, everything about this speaker is quality. I've seen in the insides of A LOT of gear. This is the best craftsmanship that I have seen. Mcintosh, isn't playing around. They are serious about designing stuff to last a life time. One peek inside will prove it.
mac speakers are superior in many ways the one thing is they sound very powerfull unlike most high end speakers came across something similar between a/d/s/and b/w the latter had no detail no distortion because they didnt offend you if you play black sabath its not supposed to sound soft mac speakers in my opinion are the real deal and i mean every mac speakers even the xl1 small speakers from 1990 go to the xrt20 or newer line source and you wont find a better value
I'm still very happy with my LS360. The only thing that I like more now is the Krell Resolution stuff but not so much that I'm motivated to change. I'm amp shopping now. I see the same kind of comments about the amps that I read about Mcintosh speakers before I took the time to listen for myself. There is a lot of hype both pro and con about Mcintosh. After sitting in a room with both B&W and Mcintosh speakers on the same system and prefering Mcintosh, I realized how some are really so biased as to offer good opinions. I hope that I will like the amps as much as I love the speakers. If not I'll go elsewhere. Some of my audiophile buddies kind of smirked when I told them that I'd purchased Mcintosh speakers. But they know me and that I've auditioned a ton of brand extensively so that prevented them from just discounting my observations. All of them that have been over to listen are thrilled with the speakers. Funny,considering all of the remarks I got before they ever heard them.