Anyone Bi-amping with tube high & solid state lows

Is anyone using a tube amp for the mids/highs and a solid state for the lows? If so, which combo are you using and are there any flaws with the sound?

I'd really appreciate any feedback as I'm considering this option.
There was a thread last week or so on this. Go either to member lookup for member Kcw001 who started the thread or to thread Bi amping with tube and solid state in forum search. I have done this and sometimes still do. What speakers are you using and which amps. Outboard crossovers are often needed because amps have different gains and speakers have built-in crossovers that come into play.
Not now, but I did that in the past (when a tube amp was what I had on hand). Don't let anyone tell you that the different types of amplifiers have different sonic characteristics that will be a problem. Remember, they are driving very different types of loudspeakers, and the difference between loudspeakers will swamp out any subtle differences of amplifiers.