anyone compare HD DD w/ DVD to 1.3a receiver in?

Now that there are a plethora of 1.3a HDMI DD master and MTS master capable AV receivers on the market, which are afordable, I'm wonding if anyone has compared processing DD HD and DTS master in the DVD (HD/Blue) directly into analog in's vs HDMI in the receiver? What did you find?
My past experience has been that HANDS DOWN processing older 16 bit DD in the DVD player, connected analog to the receiver was very much a let down, compared to connecting digitally, and letting the AV processor/receiver do the work.
Any feedback here?...results? Just curious, and I think many here who are still using their old AV receiver's multi-channel input from HD player's analog out's might want to know also?
Yup. Agreed. Pretty consistent. Exceptions when the equipment is ill-matched.

This is an interesting topic relevant to what I'm going through now. Though there are many HDMI 1.3 receivers on the market, only few produce good sound quality IMHO, and it seems most of the HDMI pre/pros short of $3k have their quirks and problems (i.e. popping noises when switching inputs).

There are 2 options. 1: Get a good HDMI receiver and a cheaper digital player. 2: Get an older high quality preamp for the same price, but a more costly analog player.

In my case, after being unsatisfied with the NAD T175, I'm getting a Proceed AVP2+6 and anticipate using it with a Panasonic DMP-BD55K, or the new Oppo player, should it come out in time.

Are you suggesting that passing a digital stream HDMI into the pre/pro/receiver should consistently produce significantly higher quality sound than letting the player decode and do analog conversion? If so, I have reason to be concerned... Although, I can't see where the difference is besides the DAC and THX processing (which I rarely use).
That is what I am saying but within reasonable price/performance windows.

First, I am speaking of multichannel primarily but the observations apply to 2 channels as well.

Second, the Oppo/Integra combo was better via HDMI than analog and so was the Oppo/Anthem combo although the difference was smaller.

Third, both processors were superior with the Oppo than via analog from more expensive players.

Fourth, I do believe that the advantages of the room EQ in those processors tilted the preferences strongly in favor of digital input over analog.

"Are you suggesting that passing a digital stream HDMI into the pre/pro/receiver should consistently produce significantly higher quality sound than letting the player decode and do analog conversion? If so, I have reason to be concerned...(Rakuennow)

Not just a digital stream, but rather the bitstream that has traditionally been used to transport unprocessed DD/DTS material, digitally! I'm speaking ONLY about DD/DTS material here...not standard PCM, LPCM, or other!
Yes, besides Kr4's mention about the benefit of the digital connection and thus internal processing in the AV units, in regards to room correction, and keeping it all in the digital domain (good point), I've traditionally found better CD sound from processing internally in a good cd player source, and using analog in's or an external 2 channel auido preamp for better results for 2 channel sound (all things equal)/ However, as of late more specifically, the benefits of some of these internal DSP processing algorithms has made it a benefit to keep it in the digital domain...that and improved DAC's in the AV pre's and receivers helps a lot.
No, I'm talking about only DD/DTS movie tracks, in either PCM or whatever is digitally being transported for the HD codecs (mp4?). Read virtually EVERY review over the past 10 years since DVD came out, in regards to AV receivers and processing DD/DTS, and all the reviewers will tell you that DD/DTS sound is much much superior if you process externally in an outboard AV pre of some sort - as opposed to processing internally in a DVD player, and passing analog to a preamp or receiver! That's what I'm referring to.
So, basically, besides the benefit of keeping it all in the digital domain, for DSP and for base management, etc (and possibly one less A to D and D to A conversion in the process), I want to know people's experience with direct A/B for movies with all the connection options. Ya know, the REAL DEAL.
Let me know...
Basically, I guess I could setup the following scenario's, and want to know what peoples experience with the exact same setup's have yieled, in one or all of the configurations, comparing them to each other. In short, which did they think was the best, and what equip did they use to get their results. So here are the scenarios:

You have a Blue-Ray or HD DVD player that process Dolby HD+ and DTS Master lossless compressed audio in ternally, and you have an AV receiver that has a capable 1.3a HDMI input, and the receiver also is capable of processing the above audio codecs. (possibly LPCM as well??? - doubt it). This/your same AV receiver or pre/pro also has 8 channel direct inputs to compare both processing methods and connections. Have you compared all the variables here, and what have you found? Was one better than the other for either standard DD/DTS 16 bit tracks? How about the HD Dolby and DTS master lossless? How about for LPCM? How about for standsard 16 bit or HDCD decoding (if available in the pre/pro or receiver as an option)?

Also, you have possibly the above equipment, processing and equipment options, but you also have an outboard 2 or more channel standard analog preamp or integrated amp to compare as well - with which to, say, connect dirrectly from your HD or Blue player into the preamp, forgoing the AV pre or receiver all together. Then what did you find with these formats?

Input, and actual experience/findings appreciated. I wanna know who's seriously compared all of this. Cause in the end, it does matter, sonically.